Friday, March 07, 2014

Thread Softly

He Wishes For The Clothes of Heaven

HAD I the heaven’s embroider cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the darks cloths
Of night and light and the half light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet:
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Treat softly because you tread on my dreams.

William Butler Yeats

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A Promise Kept

To go back, eyes open, mind connected to the past
Trying to listen to her voice/to remember/she has always been next to me/ just like I knew she would be/for a second I forget where I am or that it has been 5 long years since I last saw her

My eyes are open/staring at emptiness
I can hear her voice smiling with nostalgia of youthful days
While my mind wanders in that past moment until I can almost hold it in my breath
And I realize enough time has gone by that I, as she liked to call me/her alter-ego/ has always felt that same warm nostalgia creeping up unexpectedly

And I’m transported from the comfort of those weeknight-routines
memories in which I see her applying her night cream/ listening to the evening news/ discussing about a new political world crisis and an old family story…
…Carried to that afternoon in which the air was still and time went back and forth/confused/while she laid in bed silently, breathing heavily/ waiting for the moment in which it would all change/she waited until I could accept/until I could reassure/until I whispered at her ear
“I will always love you, you will always be next to me in everything I do, you have given me the greatest gift, please rest now”

I have now applied my night cream/listened to the evening news/discussed about the current crisis and reminisced about the past
Now longing to hear her voice/to share life/to live her unconditional love…
…And it all comes easily; her voice and her smile overrun my memories
And I can hear her say
“I am right here, I never really left”

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The words we choose

March 25, 2010

The words we choose to use
Whenever music flows for two or more
Silence built in their absence and ever present
The lack of words thereof
Proof of their usage made as well

The sounds connected to each syllable
A carefully chosen selection
Unconsciously made or thoughtfully crafted
Words none or the less
Exchanged in representation of our being

And what would you do if their form and sound changed?
All of the sudden, new, foreign, private, distant
Words are like a carefully crafted suit
Or a pair of comfy old shoes
What would you do if they no longer fitted into your body?

The words we choose to use
Can be transformed, can be silenced, can be paused
Of course, this can happen as much as our own life can mutate
And be muted, muffled, halted
Conscious or not

The words we choose have chosen us before
I wouldn’t want to wear those that don’t fit well
Those which do not represent my being
Or cannot fit my soul
Would you?

Curiosity and otherness

Some personal reflections on this otherness that seems to define us... a continuous search to understand our place in this world. Nothing academic, not a researched piece, just some observations and my own feelings and thoughts on this matter.


March 27, 2010

Curiosity has kept us moving from one place to another; a deep desire amongst the majority of us to discover, to see the unknown, to perhaps find a different world to enrich our own. It is in these perceived differences that the perennial and worn out “who are we” question becomes clearer; answers through observations serving as a mirror in which, seeing that otherness, our own being is made stronger, much more defined.

What a surprise then to find that amidst the newness of the unknown - the lack of ability to comprehend those sounds composing the “other” languages lived, the varied tastes and colors of food (and not only the type of food nurturing our body, but our mind as well), the other religious and spiritual beliefs, our diverse routines and ways to go about living - deep down we are all the same.

Of course nobody doubts that the other person existing miles away from what we call home has the same blood running through their veins, bones sustaining all the flesh and muscles carrying the weight of our bodies… yet somehow we still seem to think that we’ll find something completely new the further we go from the place we reside or come from. At first sight, perhaps this might be true. Realities which are foreign to ours sure might appear like a whole different world. However, deep down, there are more similarities to us than differences. We’re all humans longing to be loved (even if perhaps love is shown differently from place to place), people who at one point or another have had dreams and perhaps even accomplished some. We all need to belong to a greater part of society, call it State, call it ethnic group, call it trade, call it what you want. There are for sure many ways in which we differentiate ourselves by finding commonalities with a group of individuals. Part of our connecting thread though is that all of us seem to desire a sense of belonging, an identity affirmed by the others in our social group. Of course our words, our preferences, our lifestyles and beliefs differ, sometimes greatly, but more often than not, that mirror of “otherness” in which we thought we’d find ourselves shows us an image we didn’t expect to see. It shows that we are not so different after all.

The point here is that we must be willing to look beyond of differences and reach into that essence of our being, that life that connects us all to this same place. Yes, regardless of the manmade borders and relative distances, let’s not forget, we all inhabit the same place, we all sleep, we’re alive. I hope not to sound contradicting, or oblivious to the fact that our backgrounds differ in a way in which our experiences bring us different possibilities and lives. To do so would be to ignore history, privilege, power struggles and reality. What I am talking about here is a deeper sense of human nature, of being alive, of reacging deep inside us without distancing the individual from the collective to an unreasonable extent.

I don’t want to overly state the obvious here though, so I’d like to focus on my first thought. Our sense of curiosity fueling the desire to observe that otherness. The need to see ourselves and fortify our identity as we discover that mirror of otherness. There are many roles conspicuously imposed upon us and although I am speaking for more than myself here, I should be clear that this is a personal reflection on what I’ve lived and what I see around me. Each time my curiosity for the world sparks, I realize that our differences are many, but the similarities of humanity are strong. These similarities make a big world seem small, they make me value life as an abstract spark of love, pushing me to let go of any roles that have been assigned to me and that I’ve taken into my being – aware or not. I am not saying that I want to deny the need for categorization, or of some kind of labeling. I wear several with pride, others with carefully crafted hesitation , and I can think of more which I’m not completely certain fit me or will ever be part of who I perceive I am.

Some tangible examples of the above mentioned labels: this person writing now is Laura, the westerner, U.S. born half Colombian, half Italian girl –or woman? This person is the music addict who loves writing and photography, but cannot call herself a photographer because of her lack of skills. This is the feminist, regardless of the negative connotation that may carry. I can also identify as the teacher and continuous learner, for that is what I truly love to do – teach and learn. I don’t know how much I identify with being an adult, but I rationally know I am one, so in that sense there is a role that is now growing in how I perceive myself. I’ll stop now, as my point with these personal examples was not to list what I am or what I’m becoming, but rather to explore the roles we take and how we assimilate them into our lives.

Curiosity and otherness as a mirror to who we are, yet who we are is not set on stone and might not be fully defined – ever. Then until then, I say that curiosity must be forever sparked, explored, lived and embraced. The mystery of that otherness can only be savored if we value it and venture into trying to understand the diversity around us, for that, ultimately might be the richest thread connecting our being with the world and in doing so, connecting us with the infinite possibilities of who we can be.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Like a Stream

Lacking the words to express the life I feel within
Life which comes up with each honest desire
each heartfelt glance
this silence connecting all the words that don’t come out

I’ve always stubbornly refused to believe in signs being placed at the right timing
Thinking destiny is non existent and we choose how to interpret the path we walk on
It’s been a while since I honestly stopped planning
Not out of a loss of hope, if I may strongly emphasize on this point
But rather out of an excess of admiration for this ever changing reality

I stare in awe at the way in which our being, like water, changes its flow
Goes in many directions
follows a trail
And has this mesmerizing capacity to persist
Move forward
Even get stuck
To then overflow into a new course
Into a new stream
One in which descriptive words may be evasive
But all the other elements such as passion,
A stare
A dream
And silence, connected
Take place
At the right timing
Even as time becomes irrelevant….
Even as it just flows.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

These Contradictions Make Sense

This city feels empty sometimes
but actually there might just be too many people.
I can’t help but feel alone amongst others
but it’s beautiful to be accompanied in my loneliness.
This place carried the weight of being the synonym of freedom
now I see how it can also lock you in.
I’m living a reality distant from what is closest
stark contrasts thriving in the homogeneity of my surroundings.
The heaviest music lives along side the lightest messages
sounds that can be both subversive and condescending.
This excess of material wealth I see around
only surpassed by the poverty slapping its face constantly.
This love for a place that is home at the moment
feeling like home is actually a memory, a distant place, so close in my heart.
These thoughts feel unreal
yet they are tangible truths right now.

Monday, November 30, 2009

navidad 2009: NO MÁS COSAS

Una amiga mía, a quien admiro mucho y quien es increíblemente joven, elocuente e inteligente, acaba de compartir conmigo un manifiesto escrito por ella misma en el cual veo reflejado vívidamente mi sentimiento sobre la navidad y todo lo que conlleva. En este mensaje encontrarán una fusión sus palabras mezcladas con las mías y traducidas al español. Los ejemplos al final son escritos todos por ella, con pequeños cambios personales.

Como muchos de ustedes sabrán, no soy cristiana ni católica hace muchísimos años. La idea de rezar padrenuestro o asistir a una misa me llama la atención tanto como la de comer un pedazo de hígado o carne. Fui católica hasta que supe un poco más de otras religiones, y desde entonces me intereso simplemente en ser un ser humano integro, por brindar mucho amor y respeto a los demás. Las iglesias me parecen lugares hermosos por la paz que me produce entrar a visitarlas y su arquitectura. No sé si dios existe pero no me preocupa averiguarlo. Algún día talvez lo sabré, por ahora me quedo con el mundo tal como lo vivo y lo siento, con sus misterios y sus encantos. Respeto las creencias de los demás, pero no me interesa participar en actos religiosos. No soy desagradecida con la vida, como he oído decir cuando comunico mi modo de pensar. Me considero una persona afortunada: gozo de salud, tengo un trabajo que me apasiona, una familia que amo (y un sobrino precioso), una gatica súper linda y mimada, recuerdos de viajes y deseos de hacer muchos más, y amigos en varios continentes quienes se han convertido en mi familia elegida.

Simplemente siento que celebraciones religiosas, tales como la navidad, se imponen sobre los que no las compartimos, así no lo queramos, y de allí surgió la idea de este manifiesto. Aunque mi amiga viva en mi país natal, donde las tradiciones cristianas y católicas no influyan al gobierno tanto como en Colombia, estas fechas en el mundo occidental igual son bastante abrumadoras para aquellos que no queremos participar en ellas.

Desde hace rato ya, siento que la navidad es algo impuesto en mi vida y que procuro evadir. Aclaro que a mi también me encanta cualquier excusa para reunirme con amigos y familia a compartir comida rica y un rato especial, sin embargo, procuro que esto pase sin importar la fecha. Me beneficio de tener vacaciones durante esta época del año, y por ello podré estar con mi familia, pero sin embargo comparto este mensaje para que reflexionemos sobre nuestras creencias, consumismo y reflexionemos sobre el impacto de nuestros actos en el mundo. Esto me parece que está en la esencia de todas las religiones y vale la pena ser rescatado, en cualquier momento del año, pero no necesita derroches de dinero en regalos y actos sin ser sentidos.

Finalmente, deseo aclarar que lo único que quiero de navidad es NO participar en:
(Esto lo tomo prácticamente todo de mi amiga, adaptado un poco a mis circunstancias)

1. las misas, novenas y sermones
2. el despilfarro de plata y compras de regalos sin ser sentidos y sin sentido
3. en actividades que perjudican al medio ambiente y la integridad de cualquier ser vivo

En otras palabras, todo lo que quiero de navidad es su amor, creatividad y las misma buena energía que trato de darles todo el año… eso es lo que más deseo de ustedes.

Sin embargo, como se que muchos de ustedes están empecinados en dar regalos y tacharme de su lista, tomen este mensaje como una oportunidad para poner las manos en la obra y darme un regalo que sea verdaderamente de ustedes. Con esto quiero decir, HECHO POR TI. Mejor dicho: nada comprado en tiendas, físicas o virtuales. No necesito más “cosas”. Tal vez hayan cosas que quiera, pero sinceramente no necesito más objetos en mi vida en forma de regalos por fechas navideñas.

Hay tres excepciones a lo dicho anteriormente que consideraré:

• Algo hecho por alguien que conoces personalmente o cuyo negocio estas apoyando (quiero fotos y la historia contándome al respecto… y no, haber conocido a Juan Valdez no cuenta)
• Algo dirigido por ti, pero producido por un artesano o artista.
• Algo hecho por otra persona, pero armado o imaginado de forma creativa por ti.

Reiterándole a todos los que están empecinados con dar comprar regalos en navidad y están pensando “y esto que quiere decir o como se hace?”…aquí les doy algunos ejemplos:

• Una llamada el fin de semana
• Un poema vía mensaje de texto
• Un tiquete para que sea posible volvernos a ver (y lo recibí de mi mamá y mi tía – gracias!)
• Una grabación en video diciéndome como ha sido tu año/novedades en tu vida
• Una carta escrita a mano y el sobre decorado por ti mism@
• Una mezcla de música hecha por ti en CD o cualquier otro medio
• Un cuadro/escultura
• Un beso y un abrazo
• Un cuento
• Una canción
• Un auto retrato o foto que hayas tomado y te haya encantado
• Una foto de algo que te haya hecho reír a más no poder
• Tu dicho o frase favorita
• Jabón o velas hechas por ti mismo
• Un dibujo pintado por tu hij@
• Un borrador de tu primera novela o propuesta de negocios (sería muy afortunada de leerla!)
• Una grabación tuya leyendo tu poema favorito
• Una foto viejita tuya que me sorprenda (tratando de evitar los XXX)
• Una donación a una causa que ambos estemos de acuerdo
• Una invitación a algún lado que nos juste a los dos (si hay Rock o Jazz sería excelente!)
• Una cena, desayuno o almuerzo hechos por ti mismo.
• Una tarjeta hecha a mano
• Una EXPERIENCIA de algún tipo (presentarme a Uribe está fuera del tipo de experiencias que deseo tener)
• Más ideas? Sorpréndame! Ah… y de paso diviértanse haciéndolo

Que comience la diversión!

LETRA MENUDA: Este es un aviso a l@s que elijan ignorar esto (y no, esto no son noticias, muchos de ustedes ya han sido sujetos a mis pensamientos al respecto en el paso, solo les estoy refrescando la memoria):

• Tarjetas con escenas del pesebre o mensajes tipo “Jesús Te Ama” serán devueltas, o en el peor de los casos, recibirás una tarjeta mía con algún motivo religioso budista, judío, africano o musulmán/Sobre el Día de la Tierra/los Derechos de los Animales/Greenpeace/Pornográfica o cualquier otra tarjeta no relacionada a la navidad pero con esta nota impresa y adjunta.
• Cualquier cosa comprada en una tienda será devuelta a la misma (sí es posible) y el dinero (o ítem) donado a una buena causa. Sí se que leíste este manifiesto, probablemente lo donaré a una causa con la cual no estés de acuerdo, solo por divertirme.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

My Nostalgia Smiles

Nostalgia came to visit in the shape of an unexpected smile a few nights ago. As I reconstructed moments lived in what feels like an old past, nostalgia invaded all my thoughts and my heart. Mellow sadness is a frequent feeling coming to me as I close cycles and get deeper into my desires and my present. I always seem to take a step with excitement and look back to be thankful and give the proper farewell to what life has been.

The way in which I felt this warm smile visiting my memories recently though was something I hadn’t experienced yet. Found myself driving around my old neighborhood with a huge smile on my face, alone in my car, late at night and feeling actually a bit sad. Strange, but this moment of nostalgia brought a sense of tranquility to my life that I will not forget.

Every step, every mistake, every moment makes sense when we connect the dots, when the path promises more ahead because we don’t stop. All these mental images, all the nostalgic sadness and all the memories are enriching these spontaneous smiles that cannot be contained. Not as long as I am alive and able to feel the world around me.